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Six Centuries of Swedish Glass 2.0

  • Permanent exhibition
  • The Swedish Glass Museum

The exhibition is closing for renovation

The exhibition Six Centuries of Swedish Glass 2.0 will be closing for renovations. The last day to see the exhibition is Sunday September 1th 2024.
Six Centuries of Swedish Glass 2.0
Take part in the development of glass in design language and technology over six centuries! From being a luxury product available only to the very wealthiest kings and nobles, the glass is today a daily commodity available to anyone.

Allow yourself to be enchanted by the oldest Swedish glass objects, dating back to Duke Karl’s time in the 1580s, and the simple bottles from the 17th and 18th centuries. Enjoy the bourgeois crystal and the farmers’ pressed glass of the 19th century. Marvel at world-famous designs from the 20th century and be impressed by the fantastic contemporary glass.

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