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På grund av fastighetsrenovering är delar av Sveriges Glasmuseum tillfälligt stängda. Läs mer här

På grund av fastighetsrenovering är delar av Sveriges Glasmuseum tillfälligt stängda. Läs mer här

International research grant for scholarly research in the collections of The Swedish Emigrant Institute

International research grant for scholarly research in the collections of The Swedish Emigrant Institute
The Swedish Emigrant Institute, supported by the Linnaeus University Centre for Concurrences in Colonial and Postcolonial Studies and Kulturparken Småland, announces an international research grant of up to SEK 40 000 (c. USD 3 900) for scholarly research in the collections of the Institute in Växjö, to be undertaken during September 2024 – June 2025.

A Fellowship to Support Academic Research in the Collections of the Swedish Emigrant Institute, Växjö

The Swedish Emigrant Institute, housed in the House of Emigrants in Växjö, Sweden, holds Sweden’s largest collection of sources and literature pertaining to the Swedish migration to North America. It includes tens of thousands of letters, as well as numerous diaries, newspapers, interviews and other material relating to the history and consequences of the mass migration between Sweden and North America in the 19th and 20th centuries. The library holds more than 20,000 volumes. The institute also promotes contacts between Sweden and North America. For more information about the Swedish Emigrant Institute and the House of Emigrants, see the webpage of the institute at the website of Kulturparken Småland.

The Swedish Emigrant Institute, supported by the Linnaeus University Centre for Concurrences in Colonial and Postcolonial Studies and Kulturparken Småland, announces an international research grant of up to SEK 40 000 (c. USD 3 900) for scholarly research in the collections of the Institute in Växjö, to be undertaken during September 2024 – June 2025.

The fellowship is intended to cover travel to and from Växjö, accommodation in Växjö and a daily allowance to cover enhanced living expenses during the research stay in Växjö. The recipient is expected to spend from one to three weeks at the Swedish Emigrant Institute in Växjö. In addition, the recipient is expected to engage with faculty and students at Linnaeus University’s campus in Växjö and to give at least one seminar or guest lecture at the university during the stay in Växjö.

Eligible applicants, who can be based anywhere in the world, must hold a PhD or be enrolled in a PhD program at the time of the deadline for the application. The purpose of the research must be academic, and a successful application will clearly show the significance of the collections in the Swedish Emigrant Institute. The support of the above-mentioned institutions must be acknowledged in any publications resulting from the research conducted at the Swedish Emigrant Institute. The applicant also undertakes to donate a copy of any publication resulting from his or her research at the institute to the library of the Institute.

The application consists of the following parts, consolidated into a single pdf-document:

1) Letter of motivation (max 1 page)
2) Research project description with relevance for the research areas of LNUC Concurrences in colonial and postcolonial studies (max 2 pages)
3) CV (max 2 pages)
4) Name and contact details of up to three referees
5) Budget, specifying all travel costs and time plan for the purposed visit*

The application should be sent by e-mail to by 15 May, 2024. The decision will be made by the board of the Swedish Emigrant Institute before the end of May 2024. The decision can not be appealed. The board may modify the budget and/or proposed time plan.

For more information, contact

The Linnaeus University Centre for Concurrences in Colonial and Postcolonial Studies is a leading centre for Colonial and Postcolonial studies in Europe. With around 25 members, from PhD students to full professors, and spanning 8 disciplines, the centre’s research analyses encounters between different cultures and identities in the context of European overseas expansion from the fifteenth century onwards, taking into account multiple experiences and perspectives in the study of global history and culture. For more information about the centre, see the website of the centre.


* Costs for accommodation and allowance are calculated by the Institute and should not be included in the budget.

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